
function elmBridge(
  elm: unknown, 
  options?: string | { name?: string; props?: string[] | ComponentObjectPropsOptions; emit?: string[] }
): DefineComponent<{...}>

elm-vue-bridge provides a single function, elmBridge, which is used to generate a Vue component from an Elm module. It takes two arguments:


  • Type: unknown (Elm apps tend to have nested objects, and so it is easier to treat them as unknown for our needs).
  • Required: true

This is the Elm app we are wrapping in a Vue component.


  • Type: string | { name?: string; props?: any; emit?: string[] }
  • Required: false

The options are one of two values: either a string (the component name), or a object (name, props, and emit).


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

This is the name we are providing to our Vue component. It is optional, and if it is left out then our component will be registered as <ElmBridge> in the Vue devtools.


  • Type: string[] | ComponentObjectPropsOptions
  • Required: false

If you want to pass props into your component (instead of using flags), you can define them here. Props defined here should be compatible with a Vue component. Keep in mind that this type structure must be reflected in the Elm code as well, or Elm will throw an error that unexpected data was provided to flags.


  • Type: string[]
  • Required: false

Rather than using ports, you can provide a list of events that your Vue component can emit. elm-vue-bridge will attempt to subscribe to Elm ports that match the provided keys, and will trigger events when those ports receive data.

Last Updated: 12/11/2021, 12:15:00 AM